Leverage LinkedIn to Grow Your Personal Brand

A professional personal brand needs to go with a professional social media presence.

Use LinkedIn To Grow Your Network and Build Genuine Connections.

Need Some Tips to Grow on LinkedIn? With this free guide from LinkedIn, you learn top tips for building your brand.

What You Get: Build your profile, Build your content, Build your conversations.
“Your online presence is more crucial today than ever.” Access this free resource and learn from Instructor Lauren Jolda—head of the "Rock Your Profile" team at LinkedIn as she helps you get started on building your personal brand today.


Would you like to Rock your LinkedIn Profile?

Access this LinkedIn Course to get you Started on the basics of getting your profile right.
  • Profile photo best practices
  • Creating a custom LinkedIn headline
  • Updating your industry
  • Introducing yourself in the summary section
  • Adding work experience
  • Adding skills
  • Getting endorsements
  • Requesting recommendations
Create a LinkedIn profile that brings your personal career story to life, whether you’re just starting out, seeking to advance, or making a career change.